Monday, November 1, 2010

Another one bites the dust

October came and went I can't believe how fast the semester is flying by. After John left, I've pretty much spent my time in Lima and nearby hanging out with my friends. Last week, we went to Punta Hermosa for the Billabong World Championship surfing competition. We rented a house for 11 of us and had a great weekend! I keep saying that it was beach house, but it was really pretty smelly, kind of creepy, and a few blocks away from the beach. Beach house or not, it was great and Peru won!

This weekend was Halloween and not nearly as big as Halloween in The States, though there were still parties and people in costumes.

These next three weeks should be great! Dad gets here on Wednesday... I'd tell you what we'll be doing, but then you really wouldn't have a reason to read my blog, so I'm going to just keep you all posted as we travel!

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