Monday, August 9, 2010


Welp, I didn't get in at 4:35am like I would have liked to due to my flight being delayed until 7am this morning. It ended up being a blessing in disguise because I would have missed it had it been on time due a delay I had in Chicago. I met an Irish woman who gave me a motivating talk about survival and encouraged me to sleep on the airport hotel's couch. I was asked to leave immediately upon resting my head and banished to a check-in area. I slept most of the way into Lima, but woke up for a bit to look at the Andes Mountains, which was awesome! When we touched down in Lima, all the trays that had our left over breakfasts came crashes down and slid through the aisles like an avalanche. It was pretty hilarious. Unfortunately, my luggage didn't follow me to Lima, but it should arrive tomorrow and be sent to my house. We'll see.

I'm all settled into my house and there's another girl from IU living with us and some Peruvian college students. Everyone seems really nice and I think I'm going to be really comfortable here. I have a room with my own bed, bathroom, and shower. It's a big old house and with a central walled patio and garden. It's super pretty and in a great part of town.

Today, I just had lunch when I came back and then took a nap. There's film festival near by that I might check out later, but I'm looking to have a pretty chill night.

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