Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Day of School-Related Fails

Since I only have class Tuesday and Wednesday, today was my first day. I got up and ready to go for my 8am gardening class, scarfed down some breakfast, and then headed out for my hour journey to campus. Today was a "practica" day, which Tessa and I thought meant actually being in a garden. What it really means, is test, which we obviously wouldn't have at 8am on the first day of class. So my journey to campus today marked my longest commute for a latte to date. I guess the good news it that I don't have regular 8ams on Tuesdays, just three.

The rest of the day was looking like it was going to turn around. I went to the bank and got my cell phone up and running, then it was time to go back to campus for Chorus.

The directions I was given for chorus were "behind classroom L105". What? I was expecting it to be super obvious, since the directions were so vague, but I couldn't find the room anywhere. I asked multiple people and they kept pointing me in the same direction I had been wandering. I wandered for about 45 minutes listening for people singing and had no luck. I made it to Ecotourism on time and really enjoyed the lecture, and then it was time to go home.

I've been feeling like a pro lately with the bus system here, but today was a fail. I fell asleep and jolted awake long after we had passed my stop, so I took a cab the rest of the way home with a driver who was very annoying and acted like he had no idea where he was going.

Tomorrow's a new day and I'll be giving PUCP another shot. Hopefully I'll do better this time!

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